Team InPost is ready to welcome you to the Tour de France Fan Parks!

Team InPost is ready to welcome you to the Tour de France Fan Parks!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - 07:53

This is it: the Tour de France is ready to go... and us with it!
As official partner of the event, you'll find us at the fan zones at many stages of the tour: come and visit us!

Lots of fun, music and games. Read below to find out what we have in mind for you!

Gadgets, entertainment and more at the Tour de France Fan Park

To make this Tour de France truly memorable, we at InPost have thought of everything!

If you come and visit us at one of these stages you'll definitely walk away with a limited edition gadget for the event, you'll be able to try out our interactive games and you'll be able to get involved with the enthusiasm of our team and our excellent team of entertainers.

So, you will be involved in lots of fun activities designed especially for the event.

Here is where you can find the InPost team with their stand at the Fan Park:

Firenze, 27-28-29 June: Piazza Santa Croce
Bologna, 30 June: Piazza dell’Otto Agosto
Torino, 1 July: Corso Galileo Ferraris
Pinerolo, 2 July: Corso Torino

We are waiting for you!

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